Info sheet on desk

Reportable Conduct Scheme information sheets

Guidance for organisations about their obligations under the scheme

Info sheet on desk

Information sheet 1: About the Reportable Conduct Scheme

General information about the scheme, the responsibilities of a head of organisation, the Commission's powers under the scheme and the organisations and people covered by the scheme. 

To read an introduction to the Reportable Conduct Scheme in plain English, click here

Information sheet 2: What is reportable conduct?

Detailed information about the five types of reportable conduct: sexual offences, sexual misconduct, physical violence, behaviour that causes significant emotional or psychological harm, and significant neglect. 

Information sheet 3: Responsibilities of the head of an organisation

The 'head' of an organisation is responsible for complying with the scheme. By law, heads of organisations have specific requirements, within set timeframes.

Information sheet 4: Investigation overview

This information sheet contains general guidance on what you need to do in a workplace investigation into a reportable allegation. 

Guidance for organisations – interviewing children and young people

  • For resources on interviewing children and young people as part of a reportable conduct investigation, click here.

Information sheet 5: Other reporting obligations

As well as the scheme, the law has in place other obligations on adults to keep children safe. This includes reporting any suspected criminal behaviour to Victoria Police. 

Information sheet 6: Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme

The scheme works together with the Child Safe Standards to ensure children are safe, while strengthening an organisations capacity to respond properly to allegations of child abuse.

Information sheet 7: Reporting to the Commission

This information sheet describes the timeframes and types of information that a head of organisation must report to the Commission about an allegation. 

Information sheet 8: Investigation findings

This information sheet describes the types of findings an organisation or investigator can make at the end of a reportable conduct investigation, and what they need to report to the Commission. 

Information sheet 9: Sexual misconduct

This information sheet describes how sexual misconduct is defined for purposes of the scheme.

Information sheet 10: Physical violence

This information sheet describes how physical violence is defined for purposes of the scheme.

Information sheet 11: Significant neglect

This information sheet describes how significant neglect is defined for purposes of the Scheme.

Information sheet 12: Historical allegations

This information sheet describes how allegations of conduct are managed if the conduct happened before organisation came into the Reportable Conduct Scheme.

Information sheet 13: Workers and volunteers

This information sheet provides an overview of the Reportable Conduct Scheme and key information for workers and volunteers.

To access this information sheet in other languages, click here.

Information sheet 14: Commission own motion investigations

This information sheet outlines the powers of the Commission to conduct investigations under the Scheme, and provides guidance regarding organisations' rights of review of certain Commission decisions.

Information sheet 15: Identifying the head of an organisation

The 'head' of an organisation is responsible for complying with the Scheme. This information sheet provides information to help organisations identify their head, or nominate one if no head exists.

Information sheet 16: Reviews of Reportable Conduct Scheme and Child Safe Standards decisions made by the Commission

As part of its role overseeing the Reportable Conduct Scheme and the Child Safe Standards, the Commission may make a number of decisions under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (the Act). This information sheet provides information on the types of decisions which are reviewable and the process for seeking a review.

Information sheet 17: Reporting past harm or abuse as an adult

Information sheet 18: Behaviour that causes significant emotional and psychological harm

Information sheet 19: New types of workers and volunteers covered by the Reportable Conduct Scheme

Information sheet 20: Reportable conduct outside Victoria

Information sheet 21: Information for parents and carers about the Reportable Conduct Scheme

Information sheet 22: Information for parents and carers about investigations under the Reportable Conduct Scheme

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about the scheme and definitions under the scheme.