Frequently asked questions

Common questions about the Reportable Conduct Scheme.

How does the Reportable Conduct Scheme differ from Child Safe Standards?

The standards and the scheme complement each other. The standards require organisations that provide services for children to adopt systems to prevent child abuse.

The scheme focuses on individual conduct and how organisations investigate allegations. An organisation that is compliant with the Child Safe Standard will also have systems, policies and procedures in place to support their obligation to comply with the scheme.

For more details, please see our information sheet Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme

How do I tell the Commission about a reportable allegation?

Organisations must notify us within three days of the head of the organisation becoming aware of a reportable allegation and should using our secure webform.

Members of the public can also notify us about allegations of reportable conduct by making a public notification. Public notifications can be made through the secure webform, by phone, email or by letter.

You can find out more at Report a concern or allegation

What happens when I tell the Commission about a reportable allegation?

We will confirm with you that we received your information about a reportable allegation.

We may:

  • contact you for more information and to provide you with support and guidance
  • notify the police if the allegation may involve criminal conduct
  • refer the matter to the organisation to investigate the reportable allegation
  • refer your report to a regulator
  • in limited circumstances, we may start our own investigation.

Should an organisation conduct an investigation if Victoria Police are investigating the matter?

If an allegation might involve criminal conduct, it should be reported to Victoria Police as well as the Commission. An organisation must not start their own investigation until and unless police have provided clearance to commence.

Once police have provided clearance, you will be required to conduct an investigation.

The Commission’s guidance provides further advice: Guidance for organisations – investigating a reportable conduct allegation (PDF, 619KB), which is also available in accessible format.

Should I notify the Commission if there is already a police investigation?

You are still required to notify us even if you report an allegation elsewhere, including Victoria Police.

For more details, see our information sheet Other reporting obligations

More questions and answers

You can find more common questions and answers in our Reportable Conduct Scheme information sheets page.