We are currently inquiring into the educational experiences of children and young people in out-of-home care.
We can conduct inquiries into services for vulnerable children and young people.
We hold inquiries into services provided to a child or young person who dies within a year of involvement with Child Protection.
The Minister for Children may recommend that we conduct and inquiry.
We can conduct inquiries about the safety and wellbeing of an individual or a group of vulnerable children and young people.
We monitor the implementation of recommendations from our inquiries
How we monitor Victoria's youth justice system and advocate for reform
How we monitor Victoria's out-of-home care and child protection systems, and advocate for reform
How we monitor preventative detention of children and young people in Victoria, and advocate for reform
Read our submissions on policy and law reform relating to issues affecting children and young people in Victoria
How we participate in the Australian and New Zealand Children's Commissioners and Guardians (ANZCCG)
We organise independent volunteers to visit Victoria's youth justice centres.
Read a snapshot of consultations with young people as part of the South Sudanese Australian Youth Justice Expert Working Group
How we engage with Aboriginal children and young people, their families, and communities
How we engage with children and young people
The 11 Standards organisations need to implement
Find out if the Standards apply to your organisation
Organisations that provide services or facilities for children must implement Child Safe Standards to protect them from abuse
Find resources, support and information about Community of Practice to help organisations comply with the Standards
How you can raise concerns about child safety under the Child Safe Standards
Information to help organisations understand the different regulators of the Child Safe Standards.
Information about the Commission’s powers to enforce compliance with the Child Safe Standards.
Common questions about the Child Safe Standards.
Victoria has a Reportable Conduct Scheme to oversee allegations of child abuse and misconduct.
More types of workers are now included in the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
Find out if the Reportable Conduct Scheme applies to your organisation
Obligations on the head of an organisation included in the Reportable Conduct Scheme
Advice about notifying the Commission of an allegation under the Reportable Conduct Scheme
Find resources and support to help organisations comply with the Reportable Conduct Scheme
Common questions about the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
Find resources and support to help organisations comply with the Standards
Find upcoming information sessions and webinars on the Reportable Conduct Scheme and Child Safe Standards
Links to recordings from previous forums
Find resources and support for parents and carers
Find resources and support for children and young people
Access resources in community languages about the Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme
Find the Commission's annual reports, reports of inquiries, and submissions
Helpful resources and organisations
Spotlighting the experiences, thoughts, and reflections of children and young people about the big issues affecting them.
Our Youth Council brings youth voice and a lived experience lens into the Commission’s work
Find out about our inquiries and how we advocate for children and young people
All children have rights, no matter who you are. Learn more about the rights of children and young people
What children and young people told us about the impact of the pandemic in Victoria
How to get help or make a complaint
More types of workers are now included in the Reportable Conduct Scheme