Meet our Youth Council members

Meet the current members of our Youth Council

Kita (she/her)

She is a Youth Advocate, who strives to create positive systemic change by using their lived experiences to shift perspectives and break down systemic barriers within the Out-of-Home-Care and Youth Justice sector. Kita is also an avid knitter and poet! 

Elias (he/him)

Elias is a proud Aboriginal (Djab Wurrung & Kirrae Wurrung) man from the South West of Victoria. Elias is an experienced consultant passionate about all thing’s cultural safety and wellbeing for Aboriginal children and young people. Outside of work and study, Elias spends his time with his nephew and pet goats!

Wana (she/her)

Wana is a high school student who is dedicated to fostering inclusive environments for young individuals and combatting discrimination, drawing upon her first-hand experiences as a first-generation immigrant. In her free time, she enjoys journaling and growing her collection of Sonny Angels.


Missi is 19, loves music, dogs and her van that breaks down every week. She’s passionate about making sure all kids get their chance to thrive, regardless of what’s going on around them.

Jackie (she/her)

Jackie working with the commission a few years ago after a rough transition out of care. She has an interest in Mental Health, Leaving Care, Education, and Healthcare Access.

In her spare time Jackie enjoys watching crime and medical shows, spending time in nature and hanging out with her nephews and niece. She is also studying nursing and always up for a chat about Mental Health and Healthcare.

Allegra (she/her)

She is a youth advocate, who aims to use her spot on the youth council to shift ideas around the family court and create an equal Victoria for all young people, regardless of their race. Allegra is also a massive ice hockey fan and likes eating dumplings!


Sakshi is a youth council member at the Commission for Children and Young People and a fierce advocate for social justice and empowering young people. She leverages her lived experience to advocate for youth rights and engages with organisations to advise on policies and to drive change.


Venturing in a new direction to use her passion for justice and equality, Samrawit has found herself joining the Youth Council in hopes to be a part of improving mental health service restrictions to young people and issues relating to drug abuse among youths and young adults. She also believes everyone should own a cat…


Jas is 22 years old and a new & passionate member of the youth council in 2024. 

Her hobbies include fashion, reading and music. Jas is passionate about making changes in the areas of homelessness, AOD, LGBTQIA+ community, mental health, disability, youth justice and out of home care experiences.

Julia (she/her)

Julia is a passionate youth advocate from Bendigo who firmly believes in including young people and those with lived experience in all kinds of decision-making. Her focus is on improving public housing, education, and mental health services.

Fun fact: Julia can play "Hot Cross Buns" on the violin. 


Ravin is a passionate youth advocate, who is working towards a future where young people are listened to across all policy making. Outside of his work, he is a major foodie, and can always be found snacking on cheese and dips!

Ruby (she/they)

Ruby is a youth advocate, who is determined to give everyone a voice. They use their lived experience in the hopes to create change for children and young people around Victoria.

Ruby is also a big hot sauce enthusiast.

Riya (she/her)

Riya is a high school student passionate about advocating for young people’s rights, particularly within the home and in a working environment.

In her free time, Riya enjoys making all sorts of jewellery including bracelets and phone charms!