About our systemic inquiries

We can conduct systemic inquiries when we identify persistent or recurring issues in some services to children.

Our power to conduct inquiries

We can conduct inquiries into services provided to children and young people by:

  • child protection services
  • youth justice services
  • community services
  • health services
  • human services
  • schools.

This power is detailed in section 39 of the Commission for Children and Young People Act 2012.

Why we conduct inquiries

We conduct these inquiries when we identify a persistent or recurring systemic issue in service provision, and we believe that a review will help improve these services.

We may form these views as a result of reports from our independent visitors, a series of incident reports, or data from our child death inquiries.

How we conduct these inquiries

When we conduct a systemic inquiry we:

  • formally establish the inquiry, identify the terms of reference, and notify the Minister for Children, and any other relevant Minister
  • request information, documents and records from relevant services
  • may conduct interviews with the relevant service providers or government departments
  • prepare a report, highlighting the key findings, and making recommendations that will improve the provision of services
  • provide a copy of the inquiry report to the Minister for Children, the Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, and any other relevant Minister
  • may table the report in Parliament.


Once our reports are tabled in the Victorian Parliament, they are public documents and are usually accompanied by a media release.