Gender Equality Action Plan 2022–25

The Commission for Children and Young People is pleased to release its first Gender Equality Action Plan 2022–25.

The Gender Equality Action Plan will help the Commission plan, implement and measure change in order to achieve workplace gender equality.

How we developed the plan

To develop the plan, the Commission undertook a workplace gender audit and analysed workforce data, consulted directly with employees and analysed the results of all-staff surveys to help understand the importance of gender equality, identify areas where change is required and developed actions, strategies and measures to address any perceived or actual gaps or issues in relation to gender equality.

Areas of focus

The Commission is committed to addressing and implementing the identified actions, strategies and measures outlined in its first Gender Equality Action Plan.

All actions, strategies and measures are categorised under six broad themes:

  • data collection to address gender equality data gaps
  • policy and procedure development
  • reporting
  • communications
  • learning and development
  • accessibility.

Download the Gender Equality Action Plan 2022–25 (PDF 980KB)

Progress report – 2023

As a defined entity under the Gender Equality Act 2020 (the Act), the Commission was required to submit a progress report to the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector in February 2024. The progress report addressed the following four elements outlined in section 19 of the Act:

The progress report covered the reporting period of 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023.

As part of reporting to the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector, the Commission was responsible for collecting raw data, including employee experience data from 2023 and reviewing and analysing the data against data measures.

Pleasingly, the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector has assessed the Commission’s progress report and progress audit as compliant under the Act.

The Commission looks forward to continuing to address and implement the identified actions, strategies and measures as per its first Gender Equality Action Plan.

A copy of the Commission’s Progress report ­– 2023 can be accessed below.

Download the progress report (PDF, 264KB)