On this page
This page describes the different ways you can report a child safety concern to the Commission, or to other agencies.
Please note: If you have concerns about the immediate safety of any person, please call 000.
If you’d like to ask us any questions, please contact us via email, or call 1300 78 29 78. If you have a general enquiry, or would like more information about contacting us, please refer to contact details.
If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and ask them to contact the Commission for Children and Young People on 1300 782 978.
Make a notification under the Reportable Conduct Scheme
Click here to go directly to the secure webform
Organisations subject to the Reportable Conduct Scheme are legally required to notify the Commission of allegations of reportable conduct against a child or young person by a worker or volunteer in their organisation. Organisations must notify us within three days of the head of the organisation becoming aware of a reportable allegation and should use our secure webform.
Members of the public can also notify us about allegations of reportable conduct by making a public notification. Public notifications can be made through the secure webform, by phone, email or by letter.
The Commission has a range of guidance and information about the Reportable Conduct Scheme. There are also guides below that tell you the information you will be asked to provide in our secure webforms.
Or you can proceed straight to the secure webforms.
If you’d like to ask us any questions before notifying the Commission about a reportable allegation, please contact us via email, or call 1300 78 29 78.
Webform guide - Mandatory notification of a reportable allegation
- Mandatory notification of a reportable allegation - head of organisation (PDF, 216kb)
- Mandatory notification of a reportable allegation - head of organisation (Word, 142kb)
Webform guide – Public Notification of a reportable allegation
Webform guide - Investigation outcome update
Webform guide - Investigator update
Webform guide - Other information update
Report your concerns under the Child Safe Standards
Organisations included in the Child Safe Standards are legally required to have policies, procedures and practices in place to comply with the Child Safe Standards.
If you are concerned that an organisation may not be complying with the Child Safe Standards, you can tell the Commission:
- by phone: 1300 78 29 78
- by email: contact@ccyp.vic.gov.au
You can find some more information about raising concerns about child safety and examples of concerns that you can raise with the Commission on our page Raising concerns about child safety.
Some organisations may be regulated for the Child Safe Standards by another agency. We may refer your concerns to them, or you can also contact them directly:
- the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), is the regulator for Child Safe Standards compliance in Schools
- the Quality Assessment and Regulation Division (QARD) in the Department of Education and Training, is the regulator for early childhood education and care providers (such as registered childcare centres)
- the Social Services Regulator (SSR) is the regulator for providers of disability services, housing services, family violence and sexual assault services, and support services for parents and families. They also regulate out of home care services.
- the Department of Health, is the regulator for health services, including mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment services (amongst other services)
- Wage Inspectorate Victoria (WIV), is the regulator for organisations that employ children and hold a licence under the Child Employment Act 2003 (Vic).
Find out more about who regulates the Child Safe Standards.
If you are unsure about how to report your concerns, or who to report to, you are welcome to contact us.
Other reporting
To report concerns about the immediate safety of any person, ring Victoria Police on 000.
You can call 131 444 to report some non-urgent crime and events to Victoria Police, more information can be found here: Police Assistance Line and online reporting
To report concerns about a child who may be in need of protection from harm, abuse or neglect, contact Child Protection
There are some laws that require mandatory reporting of some child safety concerns in Victoria. These include:
- mandatory reporting to child protection for certain categories of people
- any adult who forms a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed by an adult against a child under 16 must report that information to Victoria Police
- those in a position of authority who become aware that an adult associated with their organisation (such as a worker or volunteer) poses a risk of sexual abuse to a child who is under the care, authority or supervision of the organisation, must take all reasonable steps to remove or reduce the risk. This could include reporting to authorities.
More information on these can be found in our Information Sheet: Other reporting obligations