If you're a young person, we want to hear from you!

News 18 June 2020

We are living through a very challenging time at the moment – there have been lots of changes in the world around us and, for lots of us, the future may seem pretty uncertain.

The Commission for Children and Young People exists to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in Victoria, and one of the ways we do this is by talking to government and service providers and advocating for change where it’s needed. To do that well, we need to hear directly from young people themselves.

We would really like to hear from you about how things are going. To let us know:

  • You can do the Commission’s online survey here
  • If you don't want to complete the survey, you can email us at engage@ccyp.vic.gov.au and just tell us what you think.

To find out what's happening and engage with us, you can also follow us on social media:

 Instagram Instagram @ccyp_vic

 Facebook Facebook @CCYPVictoria

We’ll put information up about future opportunities that you might be interested in.


For more details, please get in touch with Jason Mannes, our senior engagement officer at jason.mannes@ccyp.vic.gov.au

The Commission’s commitment to child safety

Because the Commission oversees the Child Safe Standards in Victoria, we take child safety extremely seriously. By attending this event, you agree to join us in our commitment to child safety.

  • The Commission recognises, respects and promotes the rights of children and young people.
  • The Commission undertakes to continuously develop and strengthen our child-safe approach to keep children safe and meet Child Safe Standards, by listening to children and young people and acting to ensure their safety.
  • Our Child Safe Policy and Child Safe Code of Conduct apply to the Commissioners, staff, contractors, volunteers and authorised persons engaged by the Commission.
  • We take a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse.
  • We value diversity and will not tolerate discriminatory practices.
  • You can raise a concern or complaint about the Commission by contacting us at contact@ccyp.vic.gov.au, or by calling us on 1300 78 29 78 (free call in Victoria).

Meet the Youth Advisory Group

 Keeden Ruby

 Kirra Amelia

Meet the Commissioners

 Liana Justin