South Sudanese Australian Youth Justice Expert Working Group Project

Read a snapshot of consultations with young people as part of the South Sudanese Australian Youth Justice Expert Working Group

About the South Sudanese Australian Youth Justice Expert Working Group Project (Expert Working Group)

The Expert Working Group has been established by the Victorian Government to understand the overrepresentation of South Sudanese Australian young people in Victoria’s youth justice system and propose solutions to this overrepresentation. 

In partnership with African and South Sudanese Australian youth-led organisations, we have been holding consultations with African and South Sudanese Australian young people across Victoria. In these sessionswe’ve heard from over 200 young people about their experiences of youth crime, mental health, employment, education and alcohol and other drugs 

What we heard from African and South Sudanese Australian young people

The young people we spoke with shared their thoughts and ideas on how Victoria’s justice, education and social services system could improve 

A deep dive into the perspectives and ideas we heard at these youth forums is available in our first Youth Forum Report.

This report focuses on the first three forums that were led by Next Gen Unite, African Youth Initiative and South Sudanese Minds. We will release a second report in the coming months, after all youth forums have concluded. 

Thank you to all the young people who contributed to these sessions and were so gracious in sharing their thoughts and ideas. 

Read the Youth Forum Report

Access the Youth Forum 2023-24 Report 1