The Commission Youth Council

Our Youth Council brings youth voice and a lived experience lens into the Commission’s work

Who are we?

We are a group of young people aged between 15 and 24 who come from all walks of life and have a range of lived experience. We are passionate about upholding the rights of children and young people, and we help the Commission work toward a society where this is a reality.  Meet the current members of our Youth Council.

What do we do?

The Youth Council brings a diverse range of youth voices and lived experiences to the Commission’s work. We do this through fortnightly meetings, targeted advocacy, and other projects. At the core of the Commission’s structure, we are central to all of the work they do, and we highlight the need for organisations to do things in collaboration with children and young people.

As well as connecting the Commission to children and young people, we have input into the work that we’re interested in and create spaces for others to be involved. We develop ideas and content for social media and provide feedback on projects, ensuring they are accessible for children and young people.

An example of our work is the role we played in developing the consultation process for the Let us learn: systemic inquiry into the educational experiences of children and young people. We conducted consultations, developed recommendations in the final report and we now regularly present the report alongside the Commissioners at events.

Why is our role important?

We believe that children and young people have an important role within the Commission to work alongside staff in areas that affect us and are about us. We support the Commission to be more accessible for children and young people.

Interested in joining the Commission's Youth Council?

The Commission is always interested in hearing from young people who want to join our Youth Council. You can express your interest any time by emailing:  

If you decide to email, we’d love to hear your answers to the following:

  • Why are you interested in joining the Commission’s youth council?
  • If you could change one thing for children and young people in Victoria – what would it be?
  • Have you had any experience on youth advisory groups in the past?
  • Anything else you want us to know about you?
  • Two of our biggest priority work areas are the oversight of Child Protection and Youth Justice. We encourage young people who have lived experience of these systems to express interest and have their voices heard.

Youth Network

The Commission also has a Youth Network which enables us to connect with even more children and young people, getting more diverse perspectives and lived experience to influence the Commission’s work. Through the network you can stay up to date with what we’re up to and get involved in some of the things that we’re working on.

If you would like to join our broader network of young people, and receive updates from us via email, join our youth mailing list by emailing