On this page

What we can help you with
We can assist with the following about the Reportable Conduct Scheme:
- Information about how to raise a reportable allegation and notify the Commission under the Reportable Conduct Scheme (see further information below)
- concerns that the head of an organisation has engaged in reportable conduct
- concerns that an organisation has not notified the Commission about a reportable allegation
- concerns that an organisation has not investigated a reportable allegation
- concerns that an organisation does not have systems in place to:
- prevent an employee from engaging in reportable conduct
- enable employees or members of the public to notify the organisation about a reportable allegation
- investigate and respond to a reportable allegation.
How do I notify the Commission about a reportable allegation?
Organisations subject to the Reportable Conduct Scheme are legally required to notify the Commission of allegations of reportable conduct against a child or young person by a worker or volunteer in their organisation. Organisations must notify us within three days of the head of the organisation becoming aware of a reportable allegation.
Members of the public can also notify us about allegations of reportable conduct by making a public notification.
The Commission has a range of guidance and information about the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
You can find out more at Report a concern or allegation.
When should I tell the Commission?
Within three business days after becoming aware of a reportable allegation, heads of organisations must notify us that a reportable allegation has been made against one of their workers or volunteers.
Within 30 calendar days after becoming aware, heads of organisations must provide certain detailed information about the allegations and their proposed response.
It is a criminal offence for a head of an organisation to fail to comply with the three-day and 30-day notification obligations without a reasonable excuse.
For more details, please see our information sheet Reporting to the Commission
Investigating allegations
Heads of organisations are responsible for ensuring that an investigation is conducted. If an allegation might involve criminal conduct and has been reported to Victoria Police, an organisation must not start their own investigation until and unless police have provided clearance to commence.
Organisations must provide the Commission updates about:
- who will conduct the investigation
- the outcomes of the investigation
- the actions that the organisation will take as a result of those outcomes.
For more information on investigations, see our information sheet Investigation overview
The Commission has also produced the detailed Guidance for organisations – investigating a reportable conduct allegation (PDF, 619kb), which is also available in accessible format.
For resources on interviewing children and young people as part of a reportable conduct investigation, click here.
We have also produced a Reportable Conduct Scheme investigation plan template to help organisations plan their investigations (Word, 47kb).
What if an allegation is made against me?
There is information for workers and volunteers on the Reportable Conduct Scheme in Information sheet 13: Workers and volunteers.